Sponsoring vs. Hosting

There are two different, formal agreements involved in the bike rack projects: the Hosting Agreement and the Sponsorship Agreement.

Hosting Agreement

This is an agreement between the City of Burien, WABI and the owner of a privately-owned retail/commercial center to “host” a city-owned bike rack on the private property. There is no charge to the property owner.

Many businesses in Burien are located within these private commercial centers (such as at Five Corners with Albertson’s and Trader Joe’s, and Burien Plaza with Safeway and Starbuck’s.) For these locations, BOTH the Hosting and Sponsorship Agreements will be involved: 1) to approve the placement of the rack on private property, 2) to add a sponsorship plaque to that rack.

Example: To place a rack near the Five Corners Trader Joe’s, there will be a Hosting Agreement with the Five Corners property owner/manager so that the city-owned rack can be installed on their property, at no charge to the property owner. If Trader Joe’s, or anyone else, wants to sponsor that rack and have their name/logo on the sponsorship plaque, they would sign the Sponsorship Agreement with WABI.


Sponsorship Agreement

This is an agreement between WABI and the bike rack sponsor, no matter whether the city-owned rack is in the public right-of-way or in a privately-owned commercial center. There is a charge of $200 per rack to the sponsor. This allows the name/logo of the sponsor to be mounted onto both sides of the bike rack.