Bike Rack Locations

Where would you like to see bike racks installed?

Bike Rack Map KeyWhere have you and friends gone and found no place to lock your bikes up? What places would you frequent by bike if there were a place to lock up once you got there?

Please send us an e-mail with your
ideas for bike rack locations:

We want your input for new bike rack locations. We’ve combined maps of “commercial nodes”, bike lanes and routes and shopping hubs and have created a map of places where the 41 bike racks might go. With the interactive map below, you can zoom in and out, and scroll around the city to see precise bike rack locations.

Click to view the 2013 Burien Bike Rack Project in a larger map.

Keep in mind that the State CERB grant money was awarded for efforts toward economic revitalization. Bike Rack locations, therefore, are positioned to serve commercial areas around Burien and tend to cluster on main bike routes. (They are not intended to serve Burien parks, for instance.)

If you’d like to sponsor a rack, please make note of the specific rack location number that you wish to sponsor. (We suggest you select several rack locations because the location you most prefer may already be spoken for.)

Important Links:

Sponsoring vs. Hosting (What’s the difference?)
Sponsorship Sprint (Key Information!)
Sponsorship Agreement (Contract for Sponsors)
Hosting Agreement (Contract for Private Retai Owners Hosting a City-Owned Rack)
Why Bikes? Why Racks? (Philosophical & Practical)
Bike Rack Locations (Graphic Maps)
Google Bike Rack Map (Interactive Map)
All sponsorships and rack locations are subject to approval by WABI Burien and the City of Burien.
You can view the map as non-interactive graphic images here:

This is an eagle’s-eye view of the city and the proposed bike rack locations.


This map shows the bike rack locations in the main commercial nodes of Burien. CLICK ON THE MAP TO VIEW IT AT A LARGER SIZE.


This map shows the bike racks in the city’s main commercial core, along SW 152nd and its vicinity. CLICK ON THE MAP TO VIEW IT AT A LARGER SIZE.